Sunday, August 25, 2019

Triditional Care for Elders Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Triditional Care for Elders - Research Paper Example is a critical analysis of the health care intervention model researched by authors in the past over the effectiveness of procedures in caring for the elderly. The authors of the reference article present information from for the purpose of their research from the start. They begin by introducing the various sections of the article, such including what it covers, the objective and other key sections of the article. Further, they draw into the contents within the article to explore the sections creating the base knowledge and formulating an expectation in the readers’ mind of the features they expect to in within the context of the paper. The abstract additionally outlines the methodologies as discussed in the paper, the result presentations, findings and conclusions of the study. The others also introduce factors of keywords in the text, creating an expectation for discussion to lean along that direction as the reader explores the article. Thus, the introductory abstract is use ful in introducing the reader to the contents of the article. The growing scientific body suggests that older adults are remarkably vulnerable during the transition from hospital to home as they face a multitude of comorbid conditions as well as therapeutic regimens. From a past study, the research review, of 94 studies that occurred from 1985 to 2001 indicate that the elderly as they transit from hospital to home faced preventable poor discharge outcomes (Mary, Dorothy, Roberta, Greg, Kathleen, & Sanford, 2004). These studies provided both individual and system factors affecting the transition process. Personal factors include functional deficits, poor health behaviours, emotional and physical support and cognitive impairment. System factors include communication and follow up breakdown between providers and health agencies, inadequate caregiver education on patient and poor continuity of care (Mary et al., 2004). Thus, from the introduction, it is clear that the research has background

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